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"From the Clearfield Hospital to our Office across the street, we will be there when you need us."



Services offered by Clearfield Professional Group

In-house laboratory - We draw a wide variety of blood work, urine samples, and other testing.  Blood work results are generally returned within 20-30 minutes of the time they are drawn.  Many people prefer to have their labs drawn right before their appointment with the doctor.

EKG Testing - EKGs are available at the time of your appointment if needed.

Cardiac Stress Testing - both nuclear and standard treadmill stress testing is available.

Cardiac Echocardiogram (ECHO) - assesses the strength of the heart and the function of the valves within the heart.

Pulmonary Function Testing (PFTs) - assesses the function and capacities of the lungs for conditions such as asthma, copd, emphysema, chronic bronchitis, and coal workers lung (black lung).  Numerous other pulmonary testing is available as well, including bronchoscopy, fine needle aspiration of the lungs (thoracentesis), sleep studies for sleep apnea, among others.

Ultrasound - including carotid (neck artery), thyroid, abdominal, gallbladder, renal (kidney), arterial and venous (arm/leg blood flow assessment), urinary bladder, and other types of ultrasound.

Skin Lesion Removal - various skin lesions can be removed by application of liquid nitrogen (cryotherapy) or by simple surgical removal.  More serious lesions can be evaluated and biopsied in the office or if a lesion appears to be more complex, referral for removal can be arranged.

Bone Density Testing (DEXA) - grading the strength of your bones to evaluate your risk for osteoporosis.